___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Left 2 Die Left 2 Die is our big 2009 movie release. See below for a plot summary. It will be about an hour and a half, and we plan on taking a lot of time on it. It won't be a crappy short video to put on youtube. We are trying to get as proffesional as possible. Yes it is a very low budget movie, but will have lots of good quality stuff. All of the movies effects will be done in after effects, so the effects will be top notch. We also plan on using many live-action BFX. For everyone who doesn't know what that is. It means that the special effects will not be computerized and will be performed right in the shot, not digitally added after filming. We hope that this will be a successful good to watch movie, and plan on starting the filming soon. If you have any ideas, please visit the Projects page. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ |
_________________________________________________________________ Left 2 Die Story The story starts with 2 brothers living in the small rural town of Springfield, NY. Chris Gabriel is the younger of the two, and works at a photography office. Dave Gabriel is the oldest, and his job is to stay up all night playing video games and sleep in as long as he can the next day. A scientist by the name of Philip J. Preston, is opening up a new lab to create a serum that will bring anyone who died of any reason other than natural causes, back to life and in a healthy condition. When one night, a lab test goes bad, Philip J. Preston accidentally starts a massive infection making everyone who comes in contact with the serum turn into a mindless, flesh eating zombie. Unfortunatly, Chris and Dave wake-up to this post-apocalyptic pandemic at their door step. Sucks for them! If you have any ideas, please visit the Projects page. ___________________________________________________ |
________________________________________ Crimson Law If you've seen the first episode of our "TV" series "Crimson Law". You probably noticed that it was a piece of crap. Yes, we admit it, it sucked. We can assure you that Left 2 Die will be no where close to the quality of Crimson Law. It was our first ever attempt at filming anything. We do plan on making more episodes of Crinson Law, but for now, we will stick to Left 2 Die. If you have any ideas, please visit the Projects page. _______________________________