

Far Cry 2

If you have ideas for some Far Cry 2 multi-player maps or have any ideas for already released maps, please contact us with a subject name of "FAR CRY 2".




Flash Games?

If you have any ideas for an internet flash game,  Please send us your idea by e-mailing us with a subject of "FLASH GAME!!!" at:




Broken Earth

If you have any ideas for our video game or you have a skill that could help in development, please help.  We need a lot more content and a character name.  E-mail us with a subject of "BROKEN EARTH HELP!!!" at:




Left 2 Die

If you have any ideas or opinions for our upcoming movie "Left 2 Die".  Please e-mail us with a subject of "LEFT 2 DIE HELP!!!" at:



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