Video Games


Broken Earth

We had a glimpse of a game that we wanted to make a reality.  The only problem is that video games are A LOT!!! harder to make than movies.  Since no one on our team really has any "expierience".  We thought that we would hire some dedicated people and give it a try.  Oure chances of making this real were looking pretty bad until we found some easy to use programs.  So, we are hopefully going to begin work on our game soon using the Crysis game engine.  We will have all custom models, gameplay, and SWEP's, but we must use the Crysis engine to bypass a very long period of coding.  We hope our dream will become a reality.  We hope that the visions in our head will turn into what we know as "Broken Earth".

-Story ideas below.

-Any ideas?  If so, check the projects page to help us out.



Broken Earth


The Broken Earth story is about a cab driver in Ashford City(a NYC replica)(Our character does not have a name.  Please help us out.).  He drops off a customer and decides to stop for some starbucks.  He walks in, gets a coffee, and walks out.  While he is walking to his cab, he sees a crowd of people cluttering the TV store window.  He walks up to see what's happening.  On the TV there is a news broadcast.  The broadcast tells of thje presidents plans to "Cleanse"(or bomb) the nation because all in it are not "proper" for future society.  A man comes running down the street, paranoid and panicked from the incident.  He runs by you and spills your hot coffee all over you.  Another man comes around the corner telling everyone to follow him into the fallout shelter.  You run and follow him.  Once inside, the man closes the door, nearly causing complete darkness.  Soon after the door closes, you hear the sound of the bombs dropping.  When the destruction stops, a broadcast from the A.G.C.(Anti-Government-Coalition) comes on the radio.  It says that the president has sent in forces to "exterminate" all survivors.  The A.G.C. leader says that they are going to need supplies and help.  He asks you to help get supplies.  You and 2 others go to a house, overcome obsticals, and get the supplies.  When you return, the fight is already in action.  You pick up a gun and help defend the shelter.  After that, the A.G.C. leader says that he likes you because you are reliable. 

-Any ideas?  If so, check the projects page to help us out. 





This is Ryan Hochmuth's game production in our new program.  In this game you are a cube and you must overcome many obsticles while avoiding your enemy and other objects.  Also as a new test Ryan has put an editor into this game so the player may create everything that is in the actual game.  All you have to do is get the objective...but there are some hidden secrets in the game.


On Acid

Our origional plan for this game was to figure out how to use a new program we have in our class.  Now Brennan Mrugala  has expanded the levels and made the game very hard.  Ryan Hochmuth also helped with the design of some levels in this game .  Our tester Dylan Ovitt has tried very hard to beat the new level s and the newly updated first levels, and he can not beat them.  In the game you are a guy with a simple gun that shoots balls of energy.  You will have to navigate through numerous levels and some levels are timed levels though.  Our timed levels are levels that you need to go faster on depending on the situation that we have put you in.  There are multiple boss figures in the game but unfortunitly the ending is not quite finished yet.  This game will be up soon and have a blast playing through awsome levels.


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